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1 - The location of the depot, now someone's backyard. Looking southeast toward the MON-EJE diamond. 2 - The Amtrak station, north of the where the Monon depot was, is actually quite nice. Looking south toward Louisville. 3 - This indoor waiting room sure does beat an Amshack. Looking north toward Chicago. 4 - Taken from the south end of the Amtrak platform. Looking north toward Chicago. 5 - Taken from the north end of the Amtrak platform. Looking south toward Louisville. 6 - Taken from the MON-EJE diamond. The ex-EJE line is still quite active, and at least three trains came through on it while I was in town. Looking north toward Chicago. 7 - The MON-EJE diamond. Looking south toward Louisville. 8 - Taken from the MON-MC diamond location. The ex-MC line, on the other hand, is all but abandoned. Looking north toward Chicago. 9 - The MON-MC diamond location. There are still rails on either side of the tracks, but the diamond has been removed. Note the train on the ex-EJE line. Looking south toward Louisville. 10 - Bridge 29.1 crossing Plum Creek. The passing siding starts just on the other side of it. Looking south toward Louisville. 11 - Milepost 29 and Signal 29.0. Name a better duo, I'll wait. Looking south toward Louisville. 12 - Taken from the Sheffield Avenue crossing. Looking north toward Chicago. 13 - The Sheffield Avenue crossing. Looking south toward Louisville. 14 - Taken from the 213th Street crossing. Looking north toward Chicago. 15 - The 213th Street crossing. Looking south toward Louisville. 16 - Taken from the 215th Street crossing. Looking north toward Chicago. 17 - The 215th Street crossing. Looking south toward Louisville. 18 - Taken from the Edmond Drive crossing. Looking north toward Chicago. 19 - The Edmond Drive crossing. Looking south toward Louisville. 20 - Taken from the US Highway 30 crossing. Looking north toward Chicago. 21 - The US Highway 30 crossing. Looking south toward Louisville. 22 - Taken from the West 77th Avenue crossing. Looking north toward Chicago. 23 - The West 77th Avenue crossing. Looking south toward Louisville. 24 - Taken from the West 81st Avenue crossing. Looking north toward Chicago. 25 - The West 81st Avenue crossing. Looking south toward Louisville. |