Google map 2021
Dyer Area
Nathan Miles Photos 2021
MONON Railroad in red

Click on the number on the map to see the picture of that area.
Descriptions are to the right.

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1 - The location of the depot, now someone's backyard. Looking southeast toward the MON-EJE diamond.

2 - The Amtrak station, north of the where the Monon depot was, is actually quite nice. Looking south toward Louisville.

3 - This indoor waiting room sure does beat an Amshack. Looking north toward Chicago.

4 - Taken from the south end of the Amtrak platform. Looking north toward Chicago.

5 - Taken from the north end of the Amtrak platform. Looking south toward Louisville.

6 - Taken from the MON-EJE diamond. The ex-EJE line is still quite active, and at least three trains came through on it while I was in town. Looking north toward Chicago.

7 - The MON-EJE diamond. Looking south toward Louisville.

8 - Taken from the MON-MC diamond location. The ex-MC line, on the other hand, is all but abandoned. Looking north toward Chicago.

9 - The MON-MC diamond location. There are still rails on either side of the tracks, but the diamond has been removed. Note the train on the ex-EJE line. Looking south toward Louisville.

10 - Bridge 29.1 crossing Plum Creek. The passing siding starts just on the other side of it. Looking south toward Louisville.

11 - Milepost 29 and Signal 29.0. Name a better duo, I'll wait. Looking south toward Louisville.

12 - Taken from the Sheffield Avenue crossing. Looking north toward Chicago.

13 - The Sheffield Avenue crossing. Looking south toward Louisville.

14 - Taken from the 213th Street crossing. Looking north toward Chicago.

15 - The 213th Street crossing. Looking south toward Louisville.

16 - Taken from the 215th Street crossing. Looking north toward Chicago.

17 - The 215th Street crossing. Looking south toward Louisville.

18 - Taken from the Edmond Drive crossing. Looking north toward Chicago.

19 - The Edmond Drive crossing. Looking south toward Louisville.

20 - Taken from the US Highway 30 crossing. Looking north toward Chicago.

21 - The US Highway 30 crossing. Looking south toward Louisville.

22 - Taken from the West 77th Avenue crossing. Looking north toward Chicago.

23 - The West 77th Avenue crossing. Looking south toward Louisville.

24 - Taken from the West 81st Avenue crossing. Looking north toward Chicago.

25 - The West 81st Avenue crossing. Looking south toward Louisville.