Google map 2019
Munster-Maynard Area, IN
Nathan Miles Photos 2019-2021
MONON Railroad in red

Click on the number on the map to see the picture of that area.
Descriptions are to the right.

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1: Somewhere in that mess of brown dead trees is the brown rusty MON-PRR diamond which for some reason is still there. Looking north toward Chicago.

2: The opposite angle shows the diamond more clearly. Looking south toward Louisville.

3: Despite what the lack of readable numbers might tell you, this is milepost 24. Looking south toward Louisville.

4: What used to be the switch to the lumberyard spur. Looking south toward Louisville.

5: A detail shot of the switch mechanism on the lumberyard spur. No attempt was made to throw it.

6: The former location of Signal 24.6. A bit of behind the scenes here, I came here in December 2019 and took pictures, but the weather didn't cooperate, so I retook the pictures during my trip to Dyer in April 2021. Sometime during that gap, the signal was removed.

6A: Before the signal was removed in December 2019.

7: The east side of the pedestrian tunnel.

8: The west side of the pedestrian tunnel. I guess people only care to make it look pretty on the side that faces the street.

9: Bridge 23.7 over the Little Calumet River, or a pedestrian-based approximation of it at least. Looking north toward Chicago.

10: Bridge 23.7. Looking south toward Louisville.

11: This dedication plaque exists on both sides of the bridge, but I only took a picture of the one on the south side.

12: Right behind the decorative plaque mounting on the south side of the bridge is where the rails end.

13: The west side of the Broadmoor Avenue overpass. Looking north toward Chicago.

14: The east side of the Broadmoor Avenue overpass. Looking south toward Louisville.

15: Taken from the Ridge Road crossing. Looking north toward Chicago.

16: The Ridge Road crossing. Looking south toward Louisville.

17: Taken from the Fisher Street crossing. Looking north toward Chicago.

18: The Fisher Street crossing. Looking south toward Louisville.