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1 - The remains of the depot. Just a foundation now. Taken from the Pennsylvania side of the depot, looking east. 2 - The remains of the depot. Taken from the Monon side of the depot, looking west. 3 - More fragments of concrete. I think this might be part of the Pennsylvania side platform, but I'm not 100% sure. Taken from the Monon side of the depot, looking west. 4 - The remains of the tower. Just a pile of bricks. Taken from the Monon side of the tower, looking west. 5 - Taken from the MON-PRR diamond location. Looking north towards Chicago. 6 - The MON-PRR diamond location. Looking south towards Louisville. 7 - The Phoenix spur is alive and well, with multiple covered hoppers on the siding. 8 - A much longer line of covered hoppers sits alongside the building. 9 - This old signal mast is just north of the West Hanna Street crossing. I wasn't able to identify its milepost number unfortunately. Looking south towards Louisville. 10 - Taken from the West Walnut Street crossing. Looking north towards Chicago. 11 - The West Walnut Street crossing. Looking south towards Louisville. 12 - Taken from the West Hanna Street crossing. Looking north towards Chicago. 13 - The West Hanna Street crossing. Looking south towards Louisville. 14 - Taken from the County Road 200 South overpass. Looking north towards Chicago. 15 - The County Road 200 South overpass. Looking south towards Louisville. 16 - Taken from the South Jackson Street crossing. Looking north towards Chicago. 17 - The South Jackson Street crossing. Looking south towards Louisville. |