Google map 2020
Medaryville, IN
Nathan Miles Photos 2020
MONON Railroad in red

Click on the number on the map to see the picture of that area.
Descriptions are to the right.

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1 - The depot location. Looking south toward Monon.

2 - Another angle of the depot location. Looking north toward Michigan City.

3 - End of the line for the Michigan City branch. Looking north toward Michigan City.

4 - The north end of the passing siding. The switch has been removed, creating a stub track. Looking north toward Michigan City.

5 - The remains of the north switch are still fairly easy to notice. The curve would have started at about where the passing siding currently ends. Looking south toward Monon.

6 - The south switch of the passing siding. Looking north toward Michigan City.

7 - Just north of the grain elevator there is a crossover track. This is the main line switch. Looking south toward Monon.

8 - This is the passing siding switch to the crossover track. Looking north toward Michigan City.

9 - At the south end of the passing siding, there is this spur. There is nothing particularly interesting along it, so I assume it's for car storage.

10 - After slightly over a quarter mile, the storage track ends here at this pile of rocks.

11 - There is a line of grain hoppers spotted just south of the grain elevator. Interestingly, their position on the main line makes it impossible to come into town without moving them.

12 - This sign south of the elevator marks the end of CSX track ownership. It also marks the end of the line of hoppers.

13 - Taken from the West County Road 300 North crossing on the north outskirts of Medaryville. Looking south toward Monon.

14 - The West County Road 300 North crossing on the north outskirts of Medaryville. Looking north toward Michigan City.

15 - Taken from the County Road 175 North crossing. Looking south toward Monon.

16 - The County Road 175 North crossing. Looking north toward Michigan City.

17 - Taken from the West Main Street crossing. Looking south toward Monon.

18 - The West Main Street crossing. Looking north toward Michigan City.

19 - Taken from the Ridge Street crossing. Looking south toward Monon.

20 - The Ridge Street crossing. Looking north toward Michigan City.

21 - Taken from the Prairie Street crossing. Looking south toward Monon.

22 - The Prairie Street crossing. Looking north toward Michigan City.

23 - Taken from the State Road 14 crossing on the south outskirts of Medaryville. Looking south toward Monon.

24 - The State Road 14 crossing on the south outskirts of Medaryville. Looking north toward Michigan City.