Google map 2022
Yeoman Area
Nathan Miles Photos 2022
MONON Railroad in red

Click on the number on the map to see the picture of that area.
Descriptions are to the right.

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1: The former location of the depot. There is absolutely nothing left, not even a scar in the ground. Looking south towards Indianapolis.

2: The former location of the grain elevator. Almost nothing left here as well, with the site marked only by the road curving around where it was. Looking south towards Indianapolis.

3: Taken from the West County Road 1000 North crossing on the north outskirts of Yeoman. Looking north towards Chicago.

4: The West County Road 1000 North crossing on the north outskirts of Yeoman. Looking south towards Indianapolis.

5: Taken from the West County Road 875 North crossing. Looking north towards Chicago.

6: The West County Road 875 North crossing. Looking south towards Indianapolis.

7: Taken from the Forest Street crossing. Looking north towards Chicago.

8: The Forest Street crossing. Looking south towards Indianapolis.

9: Taken from the Main Street crossing. Looking north towards Chicago.

10: The Main Street crossing. Looking south towards Indianapolis.

11: Taken from the West County Road 700 North crossing on the south outskirts of Yeoman. Looking north towards Chicago.

12: The West County Road 700 North crossing on the south outskirts of Yeoman. Looking south towards Indianapolis.