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1: The former location of the depot. There is absolutely nothing left, not even a scar in the ground. Looking south towards Indianapolis. 2: The former location of the grain elevator. Almost nothing left here as well, with the site marked only by the road curving around where it was. Looking south towards Indianapolis. 3: Taken from the West County Road 1000 North crossing on the north outskirts of Yeoman. Looking north towards Chicago. 4: The West County Road 1000 North crossing on the north outskirts of Yeoman. Looking south towards Indianapolis. 5: Taken from the West County Road 875 North crossing. Looking north towards Chicago. 6: The West County Road 875 North crossing. Looking south towards Indianapolis. 7: Taken from the Forest Street crossing. Looking north towards Chicago. 8: The Forest Street crossing. Looking south towards Indianapolis. 9: Taken from the Main Street crossing. Looking north towards Chicago. 10: The Main Street crossing. Looking south towards Indianapolis. 11: Taken from the West County Road 700 North crossing on the south outskirts of Yeoman. Looking north towards Chicago. 12: The West County Road 700 North crossing on the south outskirts of Yeoman. Looking south towards Indianapolis. |