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MP B 142.2 2nd Subdivision -

Right of way at Cyclone.

Downtown Cyclone, Indiana. November 1979. Looking towards the north.


Left and Right: Cyclone Grain Company, Purina Chow Feeds, circa 1979. Like many rural communities, the elevator was the main business. The town drew its name from a weather event that occurred June 14, 1880. Today in the midwest they are better known as tornados. A post office operated here between 1883 and 1933. The elevator is alive and well, although served by trucks.


M.P. B146.9 - 2nd Subdivision - Kn

The town was named after Nathan Kirk. Kirk purchased land in the vicinity in 1828 and built a tavern. Kirk was the first postmaster and founded the twon in 1837. The original town was named Kirks Cross Roads, and in 1879, was changed to Kirklin.


Kirklin Depot. Wooden box car on siding date this picture to 1920 through late 1940's. Exact date unknown. -Ken Weller Collection-





Kirklin Depot, April 21, 1959. Once essential to the community, with the discontinuance of passenger service at the end of the month, the depot would quickly become just another abandoned eyesore.





Kirklin Depot, exact date unknown. Absence of train order signals would date this picture after discontinuation of passenger service in 1959. -Mahlon Eberhard Collection-







Left and Right: Kirklin Depot, circa October 1976. Sure has seen its better days.



Left: June 1960. Kirklin depot. Regular passenger service on the Indianapolis line was discontinued in April of 1959, so the platform is overgrown with weeds. Right: Looking to the north along the mainline. Date unknown.


Left and Right: Looking down the mainline in Kirklin. Unknown date.



Southbound extra at Kirklin, early 1970's.






Passing through Kirklin. Indianapolis branch freight splitting the signals at Kirklin, early 1970's. -John Fuller Photograph, MRHTS Collection-








Left: North along the mainline, circa 1979. Right and Below: April 1981, E&R Manufacturing Company, Kirklin, Indiana.


Kirklin Today


Kirklin Elevator 2004. The former elevator is abandoned. Left: Looking to the railroad south. The mainline and depot would be to the left of the elevator. Right: Another view of the abandoned elevator.


Left: Looking north along the former right of way. Right: Abandoned right of way, looking south.


On the southside of town. Looking back towards the north along the former right of way.





Kirklin area 2020

Pictures by Nathan Miles
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MP B 151.5 2nd Subdivision -

Terhune, Indiana is located on the east side of section 22, township 20 north, range 2 east, in Marion township, at the crossing of the Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville railroad and the highway leading from Mechanicsburg and Sheridan to Noblesville. The town was laid out during the construction of the railroad. Being surrounded by very rich farming lands, it started out with the most lively boom of any prospective town in the county. Located about four miles on the railway from Sheridan, eleven miles east on pike from Mechanicsburg and fourteen miles southeast from Frankfort on the railroad, its founders thought it would become a large, flourishing town. That was the age in which everybody thought a railroad would insure a town. People flocked to the new town and it grew rapidly. In two or three years there were four stores, three blacksmith shops, many houses and other industries in proportion, sawmill, flouring mill, elevator, large livery barns and every indication of a thriving town. Terhune got its growth in less than three years and has settled down into a good trading center for Marion township. Supporting an excellent elevator, stores, blacksmith shops, school and churches, it makes, with good residences, a very desirable place for homes and country trade. It keeps in touch socially with other towns by good newspaper correspondents.

Terhune, Indiana. Circa 1970. Looking to the Northwest.

In the movie "Hoosiers" there is a scene where a amateur basketball coach becomes angry with the new Hickory Basketball Coach, Norman Dale, and threatens to "hide strap his ass to a pine rail and send him up the Monon line." Also in that movie, Terhune is mentioned on more than one occasion. It made me wondered where, or if there even was a Terhune. Well Virginia, yes there is a Terhune, Indiana. In fact, the grain elevator was pictured in the movie Hoosiers . The elevator has been torn down.


Terhune, Indiana. Left: The Terhune Elevator, circa 1977. Right: General store in Terhune, also 1977. Perhaps once a meeting place to grab a soda pop and talk Indiana high school basketball?


Left: Terhune Elevator and Monon boxcar, 1963. Right: Doran and Hirsch Store in Terhune, circa 1957. -Robert Johns Family Photos.-

Therhune Elevator, 1980's.



Another look at the elavator at Terhune. Railroad service to Terhune fulfilled an obligation of the Indianapolis, Delphi and Chicago to serve Boone County. The depot, in the northwest corner of the county was the only station in Boone County. The post office was established in 1879 under the name Kimberlin and later changed to Therhune in 1883.





Terhune Today

Left: Sign proclaiming you have arrived in Terhune. Left: Terhune United Methodist Church. -Jim Terhune Photos-


The general store looking building, now a residence and other residences, are all that remains in Terhune today. The former right of way can still be seen, however, there is not much evidence that a railroad ever once ran through here.

Terhune area 2020

Pictures by Nathan Miles
click on map to view all pictures by number

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