May 5, 1914 Lowell, Indiana
accident occurred at the switch near the Washington
Street crossing, involving a northbound
C, I & L passenger train. There were minor imjuries. See newspaper
articles below.
These images are from the photograph collection
at the Lowell Library.
On the image on the right, note Cedar Creek. Shortly after this
incident the channel of the creek was relocated farther to the east. It was
just one of many time the channel of Cedar Creek has been changed through town.
Lowell Tribune, May 8, 1914
"Train No. 4, the fast Louisville-Chicago mail train,
on the Monon route was wrecked at this place at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning.
The wreck occurred at the Washington Street crossing. The train was running
4 hours late, and in making up time, was passing through town at a high
rate of speed, and was derailed by a broken switch."
"A mail sack, thrown from the first mail car in the train,
struck the handle of the switch stand, breaking the same off squarely at
the shoulder. This left the switch without a lock and the same gradually
opened as the train passed over. The cause of the wreck is one of the most
peculiar in the history of railroading, and probably never happened before,
nor will it ever happen again. In leaving the main track, the front end
of the Pullman struck a telegraph pole, which was cut squarely off and entered
the car lengthwise and extended through the entire car."
The train was carrying a light load which probably accounts
for the few people who were injured."
-From The Lowell Tribune, courtesy of
Richard C. Schmal-
Lake County Star, May 8, 1914
"Erhart Bixenman was in Lowell after the five passenger
cars were wrecked there Tuesday forenoon, and says it was a miracle that
there was no
loss of life. Several were somewhat scratched and bruised and one man was severely
hurt, but expected to be able to go home that evening. There were only about
50 on the train going north, nearly all boarding the cars at West Baden, and
when the crash came the train was behind time and running at a great speed."
-Courtesy Lowell Public Library and Darlene Rigg-