Board member Dave Morrison has procured a visit to the Maple Hill Stone Mill.
It is now C&H Stone, 4000 Rockport Rd. Bloomington IN.47403. GPS coordinates.
Our tour will begin at 11am at the Mill.
PLEASE, RSVP so we can let them know how many will attend on the way to the convention.
President Jim Craig will leave the depot at 10:30am for anyone wanting to carpool to the mill.
Registration will still be at the Milwaukee Depot, 1401 J. St. Bedford, IN 47421, starting at noon Friday.
We have a speaker across the street from the depot, Ron Bell, starting at 2:00pm. The annual banquet will begin at 7:00pm.
These are all on Eastern Time. Chicago is Central Time. Name tags and the itinerary can be picked up at the depot at registration.
Questions, Ron Simunic, 812-322-7306 or simunic22@att.net. Looking forward to seeing everybody