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MONON Shops Memorial
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The MONON Neighborhood Association, of Lafayette, Indiana, is proceeding on a project to erect a memorial dedicated to the employees and memory of the Lafayette Shops. The monument is to be constructed where the main gate to the Shops Complex once was located. It will be a lasting tribute and a "thank you" to all the men and women who worked at the shops. The MONON may be gone, but with efforts like this, it will never be forgotten.


Artist Renderings of the memorial. Designed by Liz Burn and Melissa Hetzer.


The project was coordinated by:

Tom Pierce Sr., President

MONON Neighborhood Association.

For additional information, or to help the Association, contact:

Paul Hensley

2408 N. 19th Street
Lafayette, IN 47904
(765) 420-7867

September 11, 2004


Left: Almost completed. Only one piece is left. The plaque. Looking straight on from the street.

Right: From the sidewalk, looking toward the northwest. It is really looking great.

July 24, 2004


July 24, 2004: On my way to Linden, I stopped by to check out the progress. As you can see, the memorial is coming along. Concrete has been finished, benches have been added and a message board has been added. To those involved in this project, keep up the good work.

May 10, 2004


The photos above, taken April 14th, show the gravel underlayment for the concrete work to be done later.

Note the flags that show the layout for the planters.



These photos, taken April 15th, show the rich topsoil in place for the planters.


These photos, above and below were taken May 9th and 10th. They show the planting that has been done. Professor Dana and his class that drew up the plans for the sight came out a few weeks ago, during a break in the weather, and did an excellent job laying everything out.


The concrete work for the monument has been updated into the bid for our sidewalk work that the contractor is installing. The second phase of that work has already begun. We anticipate that the forms will be in place and the concrete poured as early as the middle of next week. Tentatively, all concrete work, monument included, is supposed to be completed by June 1st.

The benches for the site have already come in and are being stored with the monument itself, awaiting installation. The actual "ribbon cutting" for the monument won't be scheduled or announced until the monument is standing and completion is in sight. We are still gathering historical documentation from the Monon Railroad Historical-Technical Society so we can write the history of the Shops to be permanantly affixed to the message board.

| Shops Memorial 1| Shops Memorial 2 | Shops Workers | Dedication Ceremony |

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